The Butterflies afloat in your Relationship


Tips to maintain Your Relation


Tips that will Keep the Butterflies afloat in your Relationship

ever wondered how and why relationships that seemed like the perfect love story fall out like a house of cards? The answer is simple-People fall out of love because we are humans. Humans tend to dissociate- first subconsciously and then physically from situations or people if they do not resonate with them. 

Tips to maintain Your Relation


  • we must remind you that there are no shortcuts to building a healthy relationship. There are no apps that would give you an instant magical potion to bring the spark to your relationship.
  • Pros

    • we must remind you that there are no shortcuts to building a healthy relationship. There are no apps that would give you an instant magical potion to bring the spark to your relationship.


    • simple-People fall out of love because we are humans. Humans tend to dissociate- first subconsciously and then physically from situations or people if they do not resonate with them.