AI-Enabled Voice Recognition- Web and Mobile App Developers Must Know About this.

November 17, 2023

1952 was the year when it all started. It was the year that made this impossible possible. Before 1952, no one imagined that there would be one day in which you could speak to your phone and search with your voice. 

But it is all happening even more efficiently than before. Now, you can use your phone with your voice, no hands required, and see the screen. You need to say ‘Hey Google,’ and Google does your work in no time, just like you order food in a restaurant and the chef makes a meal for you and the waiter serves you. 

This voice recognition makes the work of web and mobile developers easy and opens the door for many features. 

Now, this feature benefits the users only, so how will it impact mobile app development and Web development?

Benefits of AI-Enabled Voice Recognition to Moblie and Web Development.

If you are a Web developer or a Mobile app developer, you should read this blog as it explains why you should use the Voice Recognition feature in your app. It will increase customer satisfaction, and your work will be awarded the best title. 

There are so many reasons that force you to use this feature. Still, seven reasons are enough to understand the impact of AI-enabled Voice Recognition in mobile and web app development.

Intuitive Interaction

Voice recognition allows users of the phone or the web to establish smooth and seamless communication. AI-powered voice recognition can uniquely read users' behavior and show results accordingly. It results in the intuitive interaction of the user with his phone and the web and ensures communication without barriers.

Leverage Various Softwares

Voice Recognition allows web and mobile app developers to use Software Development Kits (SDKs) and APIs from platforms such as Google Cloud Speech-to-Text, Amazon Transcribe, or Apple's Siri Kit.

Flexible to use

With the installation of an AI-enabled voice recognition program, Mobile and web app development becomes more efficient and effective. Because developers can install or build many more features on the web and Mobile, which makes the use of mobile and web flexible, you can jump from one app to another without signing out or getting it shut. 

Advantages to Disables.

Mobile and web apps can be used to use with AI-powered voice recognition. People with disabilities can use their voice to search for anything and phone easily. They become independent as technology is their helping hand. 

They can easily search on the web and use the different features of their phone with their speech.

Precise Web Search

Searching on Google or any other search engine is difficult, complex, and time-consuming. Your one answer opens many gateways to explore; Google can show you various websites for your one question. But with the help of voice search, you can search to the point you want to know without diving into the ocean of information. It ensures precise web search and flexibility in phone use.

Benefited to Education.

Various educational apps offer learning through voice recognition. People can read a book by listening, also in different languages. It is time-consuming and enhances your remembrance skills. It is easy to remember those things that you hear and hard to remember what you read. So, voice recognition is beneficial in the education system. 

Supports Multiple Languages.

AI-enabled voice recognition is available in an enormous number of languages. It identifies many languages and encodes them. Google Cloud Text-to-Speech is now available in a total of 33 languages. Google Assistant has ten variants, five male and five female.

Glorious History of Voice Recognition


Every successful thing has a glorious history, and voice recognition also has a golden past. Let’s take a look at the rise of voice recognition.

1952, Audrey- 

Bell Laboratories invented Audrey, which could only understand numbers. This era is called the "baby talk" era, with only numbers and digits able to be comprehended. 

1962, the shoebox- This technology was able to understand 16 words in English. Later, it was enhanced to comprehend nine consonants and four vowels.

1971 to 1976, Harpy-

Carnegie Mellon developed Harpy under the Speech Understanding Research program, which The U.S. Department of Defense funds. It can comprehend 1,011 words. 

In the 1980s, the Hidden Markov Model- 

The Hidden Markov Model used statistics to determine the probability of a word. It did not rely on speech patterns or fixed templates. 

1987, Julie- 

It is a doll made for children and trained to respond to children's speech. But speech recognition systems of the 80s had one flaw: You had to take a break between each spoken word.

1990, Dragon Dictate- 

The company Dragon released Dragon Dictate, the world's first voice recognition system for consumers. 

In 1996, BellSouth- 

The first voice-activated portal, VAL invented. This system needs to be more accurate, and it is still a nuisance for many people.


Improvements made in Dragon Dictate and Dragon NaturallySpeaking developed. With this solution, users could speak 100 words per minute.

2001, Google Voice Search- 

Google Voice Search utilized data centers to compute an enormous amount of data and analyze user queries with actual examples of human speech.

In 2010, Apple's Siri-

Google introduced personalized recognition on Android devices. It consists of 230,000,000,000 English words. Eventually, Apple's Siri was invented, which relied on cloud computing as well.

Voice recognition- Must Included feature for Mobile and Web App

Adele once said, ‘The voice is a muscle, and it deserves as much attention and care as any other body part.’ 

The technology understands his words and innovates voice recognition technology, which gives proper attention to the voice, as highlighted by Adele. 

But this is not the end. Still, there is more work to be done on this feature. Mobile and web app development becomes seamless, which makes its use more effective. They become more flexible in use.