Internet of Things for ROI: How Small and Medium-Scale Businesses are Thriving with IoT (2023)

November 24, 2023

Various small and medium-sized business units employ lakhs of people, from the corner of your street to the big marketplaces and in-house small manufacturing units to the industrial areas.

In the Internet of Things era, small and medium-scale industries can grow more and earn greater profits. Technological advancement is giving rise to small and medium-scale companies. 

IoT is making life easier in the workplace. Enhancing relations between the buyer and the seller of products and services. If you still need clarification on the concept,  reading this article might offer a better understanding of the use of IoTs in these enterprises. 

But before we begin, let's glimpse ‘What is a small and medium scale business?’

Small-Scale business

Small-scale businesses are enterprises that do not have an investment of more than one crore. These kinds of enterprises require less capital, less investment, less labor, and fewer machines involved. It is a sole proprietorship owned.

Medium Scale Business

Medium-scale businesses contribute to the country's employment, exports, and manufacturing output. Around 100 to 499 employees work in these enterprises. Have an over-investment of around 5 to 10 crores.

IoT’s Business Offerings

Small and medium-scale businesses can accelerate their business operations and productivity. The Internet of Things also provides strength and makes them more competitive.

For a deep insight into 'how the Internet of Things benefits SMBs,' let us dial it down into points.

  1.  Automation of work

  2.  Enhances Productivity

  3.  Reduce Workload

  4.  Effectiveness of Operations

  5.  Efficient Operational Cost

  6.  Strengthening the business

  7.  Better Client Experience

  8.  Increase Business Reach

  9.  Quality Enhancement

Automation in Work Culture

The Internet of Things provides technical support and solutions to the business, which leads to technological enhancement in small and medium enterprises. 

The IoTs create an environment of work culture in which employees are working in:-

  • •   Automation of operations.
  • •  Time-Consuming Process
  • •  Reduced workload
  • •  Technological Support by Advanced Machineries
  • •  There is no place for the repetition of work and errors

Enhances the Productivity

Automation of work culture increases the productivity of human resources as man force is working efficiently.

The reasons behind the increase in productivity are-

  • •  With the help of Technology, niche work like inventory management and data management becomes more accessible.
  • •  Manforce can focus on improving production quality instead of thinking about the inefficiency of raw materials.
  • •  Automated, time-consuming operations processes reduce the possibility of human mistakes and errors. 
  • •  Real-time data on lists and stocks, ensures the accuracy of data and no place for scams.
  • •  There is no risk of inventory and stock shortages.
  • •  IoT-powered analytics and AI solutions provide the ability to collect and examine an enormous amount of data, which gives deep insight into resources and solutions to the problem. 

Good-bye! Workload

Primarily, work is transferred or done by the Internet of Things, like stock management, inventory management, employee worksheets, proper checks on the quality of the product, etc. 

This reduces the workload on the manpower and also eliminates the need for extra employees for some small and time-consuming tasks. 

There is no need to appoint a particular person to collect the data on inventory and stocks. 

Effectiveness of operations

Enhancement in production, reduced workload, and better use of manpower leads to effective organizational operations. 

  • •  Employees are satisfied with their roles and responsibilities. 
  • •  Stress-free management and simplification of managerial works.
  • •  It helps to identify the bottlenecks and adapt the process changes from data-driven insights. 

Reasonable Operational Cost

Effectiveness decreases the cost of operations, and the owner can effectively monitor the activities. 

The IoTs helps in:-

  • •  Deep insight into resources
  • •  Data-Driven Decision-making Process
  • •  Inventory management
  • •  Early detection of inefficiencies.
  • •  Minimizes downtime
  • •  Taking Proactive measures to solve problems.

Business Builder

The Internet of Things unlocks many opportunities and unexplored commercial business prospects, which still need experimentation.

 The Internet of Things has access to many websites and applications that provide them with information and facts; this leads to access to a wealth of essential data, which is still not readily available or accessible to the crowd. 

This analysis of data gives insight into the following:-

  • •  Customers' behavior about the industry or the product of the organization. 
  • •  Industry trends
  • •  New business models
  • •  Client preferences.
  • •  Purchasing Trends 
  • •  Shopping Behaviour

Better Client Experience

Customer Experience and feedback are crucial to any organization. In this cutthroat competitive environment, The Internet of Things is setting up a stage, for instance, feedback and quick action. 

  • •  Responsive action improves the connection between the organization.
  • •  It fills the gap of missing information and creates a better experience of the communication process.
  • •  Facilitates customer support services in seamless integration and personalization.

Improved Reach and Visibility

As small-scale businesses are limited to their local area, their reach is limited, so with the help of IoTs, these enterprises can expand their reach across the boundaries.

 Medium-scale businesses get a chance to become large-scale and high-profit-making enterprises.

Quality Enhancement

The Internet of Things helps accelerate operations and allows capabilities to adjust to new market trends. 

Data-driven decision-making and AI-powered analytics make an organization react to modern trends' necessities and essentials, allowing remote access to business operations, quickly adopting market needs, and embracing new business opportunities.

All these enhance the quality of the services provided by the enterprises. 

An IoT End!

The Internet of Things allows these businesses to be tech-savvy and adopt new technologies quickly. 

For long-term stability in the market, any business needs to study the environment and new trends; IoTs help to analyze the market and solve various problems.

Yes, Economic Growth is important, and technological advancements are a vital part of this. Not only for MNCs but also for small and medium enterprises since they are the most significant source of employment and income generation.

As more and more IoT users increase in SMBs, work will be more accessible, workload will decrease, and efficiency will increase, ensuring the company's rapid growth.


Q1. What is a Small Scale Business?

Small-scale businesses are enterprises that do not have an investment of more than one crore. These kinds of enterprises require less capital, less investment, less labor, and fewer machines involved. This has only one owner, Who manages all the operations solely.

Q2. What is a Medium Scale Business?

Medium-scale businesses contribute to the country's employment, exports, and manufacturing output. As per one of the estimations, this sector contributes 45% of manufacturing production and approximately 40% of the total exports in India.

Q3. What is The Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things is an aggregated collection of network-enabled devices, excluding traditional computing devices, including WIFI, Bluetooth, etc.

Q4. What are the benefits of IoTs?

Small and medium-scale businesses can accelerate their business operations and productivity. The Internet of Things also provides strength and makes them more competitive.

It Allows:-

   Automation of work

   Enhances Productivity

   Reduce Workload

   Effectiveness of Operations

   Efficient Operational Cost

   Strengthening the business

   Better Client Experience

   Increase Business Reach

   Quality Enhancement