Partner up with Thompson and Morgon: The Gardening Expert

December 12, 2023

Nature is where you can feel yourself; it is said that whenever you feel stressed and disturbed, spend some time with nature. It soothes you and makes you feel relaxed. 

It's a kind of therapy that is natural, no medicines involved; it's a pill of greenery. Gardening is the hobby of many people; they enjoy watering plants and seeding. They spent their days with plants, and even some talked to them. Plants are the good friends of human beings; they fulfill all the responsibilities of friendship with bare minimum demands. They give us oxygen to breathe and food to eat; some give us clothes like cotton and silk; in their place, they want water and care from us. 

If you are also a gardening amateur, this article is for you as you will learn about Thompson and Morgon, who could be your gardening partner. 

Thompson and Morgon supply many seeds and gardening equipment. This article gives you deep insight into what products and services you can get from Thompson and Morgon.

Let’s start with the seeds.


Thompson & Morgan provides an extensive selection of flower, vegetable, and herb seeds. They offer traditional and heirloom varieties alongside newer hybrids, often emphasizing novelty or unique characteristics. Their seed range covers different climates, seasons, and gardening preferences.

Thompson and Morgan have different seed varieties, Such as plants, vegetables, and flowers. You can get the following types from Thompson and Morgon.

  • •   Popular Flower Seeds
  • •   Seeds to Sow Now
  • •   Value Vegetable Seeds
  • •   Value Annual Flower Seeds
  • •   Value Perennial and Biennial Seeds
  • •   Mr Men & Little Miss Seeds
  • •   Royal Botanic Gardens, KEW Seeds
  • •   Trending Seeds

Flower Seeds

Vegetable Seeds

Hardy Annual Seeds

Pea & Bean Seeds

Half-Hardy Annual Seeds

Broad Bean Seeds

Perennial & Biennial Seeds

Runner Bean Seeds

Wildflower Seeds

Pepper (Sweet) & Chilli Seeds

Cosmos Seeds

Carrot & Parsnip Seeds

Marigold Seeds

Brassica & Leafy Green Seeds

Nasturtium Seeds

Cucumber Seeds

Petunia Seeds

Herb Seeds

Poppy Seeds

Salad Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Onion & Leek Seeds

Sweet Pea Seeds

Pumpkin, Squash & Courgette Seeds


Beetroot & Chard Seeds


Tomato Seeds


Winter Vegetable Seeds

Now, come to the plants.



The company also sells young plants, bulbs, and tubers for various flowers, vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants. These are often packaged and shipped at the appropriate time for planting based on the region's climate.

                                              FRUIT PLANTS

Blueberry Plants

Currant Plants

Raspberry Plants

Rhubarb Plants

Strawberry Plants

Vines & Climbing Fruit


Thompson and Morgon also sell garden care products that help you in gardening activities.

Garden Care Products

Garden Care products involve all the equipment like baskets for plants, weed killers, plant feeds, soil conditioners, and pest control solutions tailored to maintaining healthy gardens.

Thompson & Morgan offers various gardening tools, accessories, fertilizers, composts, and pest control products. They may also provide specialized growing kits, greenhouse equipment, plant supports, and other items to aid gardeners in nurturing their plants.

                                 Garden Tools & Equipment

Barrows & Trolleys


Gardening Books

Lawn Seed

Garden Clothing

Plant Supports


Secateurs, Snips & Pruners

Hand Tools

Sowing & Growing

Tree Stakes


Hand Tools: These include essential gardening tools like trowels, hand forks, hand cultivators, pruners, shears, secateurs, weeding tools, hand-held rakes, hand weeders, and gardening gloves. These tools are designed for planting, pruning, weeding, and cultivating small areas.

Digging and Cultivating Tools: Thompson & Morgan may provide more extensive tools for exploring and cultivating larger areas, including spades, shovels, forks, mattocks, hoes, and cultivators. These tools help with soil preparation, turning over soil, breaking up clods, and preparing beds for planting.

Watering Equipment: They might offer various watering solutions such as watering cans, hoses, sprinklers, watering wands, timers, hose reels, and irrigation systems to efficiently water plants and maintain proper hydration levels in the garden.

Garden Power Tools: Some power tools like lawnmowers, hedge trimmers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, and garden shredders may also be available. These tools can help maintain lawns, shape hedges, manage leaves, and cut back overgrowth efficiently.

Garden Protective Gear: This may include knee pads, garden aprons, protective eyewear, and other safety gear to protect gardeners while working.

Garden Accessories: Thompson & Morgan may offer garden accessories such as plant supports, trellises, stakes, garden fences, netting, and frost protection covers to aid plant growth and protection.

Garden Storage Solutions: They might also supply garden storage options like sheds, storage boxes, and containers for storing tools, equipment, and gardening supplies.

They also give you gardening tips.

Gardening Tips

You can find a blog on Thompson and Morgon’s website where you can get tips on how to start gardening. You can even learn which plant needs care and how to take care of it. Along with this, you can also buy a book on gardening through their website or App. This book involves all the tips and tricks for gardening. In that sense, they encourage gardening and investing in a sustainable environment.


Delivery and Charges.

Thompson and Morgon have minimal delivery charges:-

  • •   Orders for packets of seed incur a delivery charge of £2.99
  • •   Orders which include any other products will incur a delivery charge of £6.99
  • •   Where an order contains packets of seeds and other products, a maximum delivery charge of £7.99* will apply, regardless of the number of items ordered.
  • •   More oversized items will incur a higher delivery charge - this will be displayed in your shopping basket.

They deliver seeds and gardening equipment in 7 working days and dispatch the product within 24 hours.

The website and App are Available.

Thompson and Morgon is an e-commerce gardening platform with a website and an App. 

You can take their services from the website and App as well. If you are using their App, then it will unlock the following benefits-

  • •   One-stop shop for all your gardening needs
  • •   Get notifications on new product launches
  • •   Quicker and easier ordering
  • •   Advice, hints, and tips straight to your mobile
  • •   Growing information and cultures at your fingertips
  • •   Exclusive App user-only offers and discounts

Thompson and Morgon’s app is available on the Google and Apple App Store platforms. 

Customer Service

If you have any questions about the products and services Thompson and Morgon offers, they allow you to establish contact with them. You can contact them by email phone, and even browse their frequently asked questions sections for more information.

Give a Chance to Your Hobby of Gardening

So, if you are looking for a partner who can help or give you tips to start gardening, then Thompson and Morgon are there for you. 

It would help if you considered what plants you want in your garden. You can decorate your garden with basket plants, different types of vegetables, flowers and evergreen shrubs, marigold seeds, hanging basket flowers, and many more.

Give a boost to your gardening hobby with Thompson and Morgon.